First and foremost, I'd like to put it out there that my main intention for this post is to inform my zero population of readers that I'm back after yet another hiatus and will be posting a new playlist of mine soon. The last one I posted, in late Spring, was a summer-themed playlist. Since Autumn is approaching, I thought that I would soon post a playlist with songs that are perfect for leaf piles, pumpkins, and heartwarming bonding time. /Martha Stewart

Now, less importantly: my reasons for being gone. Obviously, since my last post was months ago, I can use the excuse that I was enjoying my summer. Gratefully, that's not just an excuse, and I really was enjoying my summer. School started again in early September, and it's been a busy but exciting year for me so far. My class lineup this year is the most challenging that I've ever had, but overall I've been having a lot less homework than I expected. As usual, though, the main thing that is occupying my life right now is music. I'm in my school's first year ever marching band. I took up clarinet, which I used to play in 5th grade, and the more I play it, the more I love it. I'm also currently learning alto saxophone for leisure. Also, I recently joined a hip hop dance class that's in a surrounding neighborhood, and it's been great. It's good exercise and a lot of the choreography is fantastic.

I could not have kept track of anything I've done this year if I didn't start writing things down on a calendar. I HIGHLY recommend it. The most convenient way to do this is usually through a calendar application on your cell phone, but I understand not everyone has that luxury, and writing it down the old-fashioned way works just as well. I use the pen-to-paper method, actually, in an agenda I have. Not only is it a great way to remember when I have plans with friends, family, and my boyfriend, jazz band rehearsals, dance rehearsals, and performances for marching band and dance, but it's also a good way to keep track of memories of good times. Basically, everything you hear about organization being FANTASTIC is true.

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